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Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2021

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El amor es una forma de saciar el alma, pero también es una forma de matarla

Love is a way to satiate the soul, but it is also a way to kill it

POEM: LA LUZ DE LA LUNA(English version)

  The Moon accompanies me in each Poem, The stars in each letter, While the memories just watch, Knowing that every written line, They console me themselves.   The moonlight claims me, While ink and paper wait for me, The dream disperses, While in the notebook the feelings are consoled. The obsession of writing to you, The obsession of writing to me, Every poem can describe you, Every verse for you is exhibited. Finally my poems for you exist, Between ink and paper I imagine, May each anecdote, in my poetry books, be painted, And may you be at my next destination. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Safe Creative:  Obra #2104147510496 Facebook: scribiendocelunas Instagram:  ~Jose127est (@escribiendocelunas) • Fotos y videos de Instagram Poematrix:  Poeta: Jose127est, Mexico | Poematrix (Poema: La Luz de la Luna) Jose127est

Poem: Luna en lluvia(English version)

  Overflowing sadness, You flutter in my mind, Poor tear in loneliness, You don't want my face to go away. Raindrops hang down, In his sad loneliness, The letter on the brochure on your door, You see a I don't miss them leaving. Breaking that heart more, Breaking your mind more, Your smile disappears, And your pillow feels it. Memories go crazy, Haunt your mind, Promises come back, And hang on your mind. Hugs remember, In the middle of the moon you remember her, Lyrics you see again, Knowing that you will never see her again. Killing your heart, Reading messages is your passion, Third without seeing you, In the high school of my heart. The 12 burn me, They write tears in their eagerness, Escaping for his dream, Winter summer crying. -Jose127est Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Facebook: scribiendocelunas Instagram:  ~Jose127est (@escribiendocelunas) • Fotos y videos de Instagram Poema &

Poem: Dejame verte una vez mas(English version)

Dreams in heaven, They think again, Stanzas of words, They tell endless anecdotes. Let me see you one more time, Because in my dreams, I miss you more than usual, My lips are not silent, Your name on my sheets, Only gold is the least they can leave behind. I tell that each letter is for you, And for you each letter is a story. You tell stories without more, But you only count the least, How not to miss you, if I can give you the most, We would multiply the wishes, And the result would be our end. If today's poet has many words, Their lyrics reveal that tomorrow will be without them, That each stanza of history, It has been written in prose, Whispering in his mind of the poet, It reminds you of yesteryear in the mind of your voice, Then i remember your voice, But I'm not full of memories anymore, That is why today I leave you the words that come from my heart. Let me see you one more time, Because in my dreams, I miss you more than usual, My lips are not silent, Your name on my

Poem: Luz en el anochecer (English version)

Pretty and beautiful like a bird that flies without more, Radiant and beautiful like the light of the moon, In an eternal night without an end, Being that steals the soul of the dawn individual, Conquering the core of suns in paper boats, And making ashes a constellation without being able to bloom, In his walk cultivating flames in crater candles, Being strong but at the same time weak in the blink of an eye, The most precious flower among so many tangles, Dancing among the evening stars The petal that flies with the dawn, And at the same time the light of the last sunset, The downfall of the Sun forcing an eclipse to exist, Being the one that with a hug changes the landscape of dawn, And the one that with a glance you change any stone in solitude, Loving with a heart and wounding you with thorns of the rose bushes, That's how you are, woman, you cause so many feelings in many worlds and confusion among so many astronomers, In your eyes are the constellations at your service, And